Creating new posts
It just occurs to me that you may need to be a member of before you can post messages to this blog. I'd be happy to show people how to do this. One you're signed up, there's a wonderful plug-in available in Firefox where you can visit a Web page, decide you want it saved to the blog, right click the mouse, select "blog it now", and have the URL immediately embedded in a new posting.Incidentally, if you select the "Compose" tab for the posting editor, you don't have to look at the raw HTML. If you *don't* mind looking at raw HTML, hoever, select the "Edit HTML" tab and you'll notice that there's a tag already there called "span class full" which allows you to post a brief message in the normal blog view, with the option at the click a button to give viewers a longer post. Eseentially it's like the brief versus full view in Orbis. You can test how this works in the current posting. Just click the "read more!" link below and you'll see an additional paragraph added to the bottom . The only drawback to this feature (which I can disable if people like) is that it prompts the viewer, at the bottom of every posting, to click "read more!", even if there's actually nothing more to read.
And here you can see that I've provided additional text. This can be a handy way of getting large blocks of text out of the initial blog view, only to be retrieved if you really need to dig deeply into the history of the problem.
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